Artificial intelligence reveals first-ever image of unseen parts of the sun


Key Points:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) has generated the first-ever images of the Sun’s poles.
  • Researchers used 2D satellite images and an AI to create a 3D reconstruction of the Sun’s surface.
  • The AI extrapolated the appearance of the poles, providing a more complete understanding of the Sun.
  • This breakthrough will aid in comprehending the impact of the Sun’s radiation on technologies like power grids and satellites.
  • While the model is an “educated guess,” it offers valuable insights for future missions and opens up new possibilities for AI in research.


In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have revealed the never-before-seen poles of the Sun, thanks to the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Typically, observations of the Sun are limited to side-on views, but researchers fed 2D images into an AI, which then translated them into a 3D reconstruction of the star’s surface. After mastering the reconstruction of the Sun’s appearance from satellite observations, the AI extrapolated the appearance of the poles. This breakthrough will provide a more complete understanding of our host star and how its radiation affects technologies like power grids and satellites. While the AI’s model is an “educated guess,” it offers valuable insights that can inform future missions to study the Sun. The study opens up new possibilities for AI in research and holds promise for modeling Earth’s atmosphere as well. So, hats off to the AI for shedding light on the Sun’s mysterious poles and helping us unravel the secrets of our favorite celestial body!



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