Use of AI could create a four-day week for almost one-third of workers

Key Points:

  • AI could enable millions of workers to move to a four-day week by 2033.
  • The introduction of AI could reduce the working week from 40 to 32 hours.
  • Large language models like ChatGPT could augment workers’ roles and increase productivity.
  • 8.8 million people in Britain and 35 million in the US could benefit from a shorter workweek.
  • City of London, Elmbridge, and Wokingham in the UK, and Massachusetts, Utah, and Washington in the US have the highest potential for reduced working hours.


Artificial intelligence, or AI, may hold the key to a four-day workweek in the not-so-distant future. According to a new study from the thinktank Autonomy, the introduction of AI could potentially reduce the working week from 40 to 32 hours for millions of workers by 2033. That’s right, folks, more free time for all!


The study focuses on the British and American workforces, and it suggests that AI, specifically large language models like ChatGPT, could augment workers’ roles and increase productivity. This could lead to shorter work hours without compromising pay or performance. Not only would this be a win for workers, but it could also help prevent mass unemployment and alleviate mental and physical health issues. Talk about a win-win situation!


The research estimates that a whopping 8.8 million people in Britain and 35 million in the US could benefit from a shorter workweek. The City of London, Elmbridge, and Wokingham are among the places with the highest potential for reduced working hours. Across the pond, states like Massachusetts, Utah, and Washington are leading the charge towards a four-day week.


Autonomy is calling on both public and private employers to embrace AI and view it as an opportunity to improve the lives of millions of workers. They also urge policymakers to take action and create robust AI industrial strategies. It’s high time we boost productivity while putting the well-being of workers at the forefront, don’t you think?



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